Essential Issues Of Fasting

Dear Islamic brothers! In the form of fasting in Ramadan, Allah Almighty has bestowed His great blessings on us so that we may attain piety and the pleasure of Allah, as Allah says in Sarah Baqarah, Verses 183-184.

Translated by Kunzliman :

O those who believe! Fasting has been made obligatory upon you as were made obligatory upon those before you, so that you may become pious. The days are counted. Then whosoever among you is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days, and those who have no strength, should give in fine meal to a needy: then whosoever does more good, then that is better for him, and fasting is better for you if you know.

(Translated by Kanslaiman,Para No. 2,Verse No. 183-184)

The purpose of fasting :

The purpose of fasting is to attain piety and piety, because it hardens the nafs, which prevents one from eating and drinking halal food, and it gives one the power to control one's nafs and to avoid haraam things. That is why he avoids sins.

Who is obliged to fast?

Acknowledging Tawheed and Prophethood After believing in all the requirements of the religion, just as prayer is obligatory on every Muslim, so is fasting on Ramadan obligatory on every sane and mature Muslim (male and female).

To be continue......


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