Essential Issues Of Fasting

Reason for making fasting obligatory

Most of the acts in Islam remind us of faith-refreshing Islamic and historical events. Running between Safa and Marwah reminds us of Sayyidatuna Hajirah’s(May Allah be pleased with him) walking and running between these two mountains seven times in search of water for her son Sayyiduna Isma’il (Peace be upon him) Allah (عزوجل)  liked this act and declared it Wajib for all those who perform Hajj and ‘Umrah to imitate her in order to keep this act alive۔

Likewise, the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) spent some days of Ramadan in seclusion in the cave of Hira where he (Peace be upon himused to refrain from eating during the day and worship Allah (عزوجلat night. In order to keep the memory of this blessed act of His Beloved and Blessed Rasool (Peace be upon himalive Allah (عزوجل made it Fard for us to fast in Ramadan.

How strong is the faith of the fasting person

It is extremely hot, the throat and lips of the fasting Muslim have been dry due to thirst, he has water and food as well, but he does not even look at them despite extreme thirst and hunger due to his steadfast belief in Allah (عزوجلHe knows that although no one watches him apparently, in fact, none of his actions is concealed from Allah (عزوجل) . This firm faith of the fasting Muslim is the practical outcome of fast. Other forms of worship involve physical movements and are visible to others but fast is such a form of worship which no one can come to know, only Allah (عزوجلknows. Even if a person eats secretly, people will still regard him a fasting person, but he refrains from eating for the pleasure of Allah (عزوجل only.

If possible, make your children fast from their early age so that they won’t face any difficulty in fasting after they reach the age of puberty. The respected scholars (May God have mercy on him)  have said, ‘When children reach the age of ten and are healthy enough to fast they should be made to fast in Ramadan. If they do not fast despite being healthy enough to do so, they should be strictly made to fast even by beating. If they break it, they will not be ordered to make up for it (do Qada), but if they break their Salah, they will be ordered to offer it again۔ (Rad-dul-Muhtar, pp. 385, vol. 3

To be continue......


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